The Scooby-Doo Project (1999) is one of the most bizarre and hilariously entertaining episodes of the whole franchise, hands down. Having debuted on Halloween...
Earlier this week, Stardew Valley publisher Chucklefish shared some new in-game stills of their upcoming witchcraft and wizardry game, Witchbrook. If you haven't heard...
Following one of the longest Nintendo news droughts of the modern-day, we finally got a (mini) Nintendo Direct highlighting Switch games releasing over the...
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to significantly affect a number of industries across the globe, including film. Almost every upcoming major film...
Meet Jeff and Debra, two kiwis that work at the post office. You know, that old cliche. These little birdies have to make sure...
Minecraft is one of the most culturally influential games of the century, and players have made some of the most remarkable server-hosted projects ever...
Developer Pelican Party has put together a variety of games, but none felt as addicting as Double Dodgers.
What is unique about this game is...
Joe Gardner is a middle-school band teacher who gets the chance of a lifetime to play at the best jazz club in town. But...
UPDATED on 3/12/20 at 1:10p PST: Genesect Confirmed!
Original Story:Â
| Pokemon GO Teases Mythical Pokemon Fossil in Latest Twitter Post
Earlier today, the official Pokemon GO...
Due to the growing concerns over COVID-19, better known as the Coronavirus, the most significant yearly event in gaming has effectively been canceled. Surprising...
There are a lot of horror games out there that deliver impressive graphics, compelling story, terrifying scares, and evil creatures that want nothing more...