Taking place between Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, Black Widow follows Natasha Romanoff as she confronts her shadowy past, reunites with...
Xbox fans can finally experience the full (and amazingly confusing) story of the Kingdom Hearts series. Announced during the X019 Xbox Event in London, Kingdom...
During BlizzCon 2019, it was revealed that Blizzard's wildly popular team-based FPS game Overwatch will be getting a sequel. This announcement was made through...
The Skywalker Saga is coming to a close. Watch the last Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker trailer below.
If there's a word to sum...
FINALLY! During the 9/4/19 Nintendo Direct, it was revealed that SNES games will be available to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.
Since then, 20(!) SNES games...
After much speculation, we now know its finally happening. Confirmed during the 2019 D23 Expo event, Â Ewan McGregor will reprise his role as Obi-Wan...
During the Television Critics Association summer press tour, The CW announced that Kevin Conroy will appear as an older Bruce Wayne in the Crisis On...
After months of speculation and leaks, Janemba was finally confirmed as the latest DLC fighter joining Dragon Ball FighterZ. Janemba was revealed during the...