Recently, Mark Ruffalo appeared at Tokyo Comic Con, where he revealed that he and Marvel Studios President Kevin Fiege were discussing where Hulk can...
DC's film resume is growing rapidly, with a plethora of new additions joining their growing cinematic universe. Among them, Shazam!, starring Zachary Levi, was...
The Arkham games were a massive hit. Fans and critics alike were all giving titles like Arkham Knight, the most recent release, universal acclaim. However,...
During a recent interview with Variety, Captain America actor Chris Evans sat down with MCU costar Scarlett Johansson and discussed the possibility of picking...
Jason Momoa is leading the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) with the highest-grossing film of the series with Aquaman, which grossed over $1.1 billion at...
According to Deadline, Farrell may join 'The Batman' (2021) as The Penguin, adding to the jam-packed villainous ensemble which already includes Zoe Kravitz as...