After releasing a Japanese reveal trailer for Final Fantasy XV in September at Tokyo Game Show, publisher Square Enix has now re-released the trailer...
And it's beautiful... But that shouldn't be a shocker to anyone who's had experience with the Uncharted franchise. In these whopping 15 minutes of gameplay, we...
Developer Square Enix has released a high-definition gameplay trailer for the upcoming open-world RPG Final Fantasy XV that offers an extended look at the...
Blizzard enthralled fans yesterday with the rumor-confirming announcement of a new PC shooter franchise, Overwatch. The game is described as, 'a highly stylized team based...
Yesterday, an official release date for Battlefield Hardline was announced; that date is March 17th, 2015. While there has been wild criticism surrounding EA and...
The popular virtual world for kids known as Poptropica has now made its way to Nintendo 3DS featuring an all-new adventure called Poptropica: Forgotten...
Cambridge, Massachusetts-based developer the Molasses Flood has announced a new survival game for both PC and Mac called The Flame in the Flood. While...
So who is supplying all of those weapons in Kyrat? Ubisoft just released a new Far Cry 4 trailer that gives players an answer...
Ubisoft recently released a brand new trailer for Far Cry 4 with the dastardly delectable Pagan Min as the focus.
While the villain of the...