FFVII Remake Coming in the Form of a Multi-Part Series



Square Enix is being very cryptic about what their plans are for Final Fantasy VII.

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]hen the first trailer for the Final Fantasy VII remake was released at this year’s E3 the internet went completely nuts. Several months later another trailer was released by Square Enix showing off more cut scenes for the game and some gameplay as well. Everyone who had ever played the best Final Fantasy game felt like we were getting the remake we deserved, until Square Enix presented their press release to the media that is.


“Final Fantasy VII Remake will be told across a multi-part series, with each entry providing its own unique experience.”

As mentioned before Square Enix’s press release about Final Fantasy VII is incredibly cryptic and frustrating at the same time. The company didn’t release any details on when the game will be released or what “multi-part series” even means. Is the game going to be released through a series of DLCs? How much are the DLCs? How long will the first portion of the game be? What is the price for the first installment of this multi-part series? Will there be a special edition released several weeks later that includes a box disc set? These are the kind of questions we have but unfortunately have no answers to.

Square Enix seems to be taking their time in releasing the game so that it measures up to the majority of the expectations that the fans of Final Fantasy VII have. That being said, you can’t help but have this feeling that Square Enix is doing what they can to make as much money as possible by releasing the game through a multi-part series. Hopefully the first part of this multi-series will be incredibly detailed and in-depth so that fans of the game are getting what they paid for.

The worse thing Square Enix could do is follow in the footsteps of DICE and EA by releasing barely enough content so fans are inclined to buy the DLC. If this is the case, Square Enix could lose a lot of their fans in doing so and the game could turn into a complete flop, something no one who has played Final Fantasy VII wants. Hopefully in the next coming months Square Enix will release another statement giving us more details on what their plans are for Final Fantasy VII.


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