
The best news in one place


Spyro the Dragon Remastered Trilogy Officially Confirmed, Release Date Announced

The classic purple dragon is returning to in this brand new remastered adventure featuring the original trilogy of games. And this time, it'll be...

Ready Player One has more Easter Egg Cameos Imaginable, and is a Total Blast in the Theater (Review)

With as many franchises that Steven Spielberg manages to throw at the screen all at one time, they all fit so well (even when...

Nintendo Direct: What Was Revealed For the Nintendo Switch

After what felt like a lack of game variety for Nintendo's newest console in it's first year, Nintendo Direct solved that problem on Thursday! Earlier...

Super Smash Bros. is Coming to the Nintendo Switch This Year

ALLLLLLLL AAAAABBBBBBOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRDDDDD!!!!!! Deep breath, calm down ... OK. At the end of the latest Nintendo Direct earlier today, the big N concluded the show with an ominous...

Mario Odyssey Producer Talks Mario’s Nipples & Toad Not Wearing a Hat

The age-old question of whether or not Toad is wearing a mushroom hat has finally been answered. Now maybe we can stop arguing about...

Nintendo News Recap: Mario Kart Coming to Smartphones, Animated Mario Movie Confirmed

The Switch online service will also finally launching this fall.  A few days ago, Nintendo held its latest Financial Results Briefing, a presentation catered towards...

Hyperkin’s Ultra GB Plays Classic Gameboy Games

Time to turn back the clock and break out those classic Gameboy games! For gamers who have kept their classic Gameboy cartridges from your early...

‘Witchbrook’ looks to be the Perfect Combination of Stardew Valley & Harry Potter

Update: Developer Chucklefish has officially changed the name from 'Spellbound' to 'Witchbrook'. Changes have been made in the original article to reflect this.  The largely...

Pokemon Company Reveals 2018 Legendary Mystery Gift Download Dates

2018 is the year of Legendary Pokemon, and the Pokemon Company and GameFreak are assuring that you don't forget that by releasing a ton...

20 Highly Anticipated Games to Watch Out for This Year

2018 has some big titles that could end up being literal game changers for the year. Here is a breakdown of those to look...

Nintendo Social Media Teases Upcoming Secret, Possible Nintendo Direct Event

Nintendo fans (us included) are foaming at the mouth as Nintendo teases something special, leading many to speculate a possible Direct event later this...

The Next Legend of Zelda Title is Already in the Works

It should come as no surprise that Nintendo and partners are looking forward to an optimistic future for Hyrule in their next big entry...

You Can Watch the Dragon Ball FighterZ Opening Cinematic Right Here Right Now

The opening cinematic for the highly anticipated Dragon Ball fighting title gives each character a small teaser introduction with epic rock music.  Dragon Ball FighterZ...

My Hero Academia Video Game Project Gets a New Teaser Trailer

Bandai-Namco's latest anime action title brings the smash hit series to life in a brand new fighting game.  Not much is entirely known about the...

Pokémon Crystal is Coming to the 3DS Next Month

If you thought Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun were going to be the last Pokémon games to hit the 3DS then YOU THOUGHT WRONG....

Adventure Time is getting an Open World Pirate Game for PS4, XBO, PC, and Switch

An open world game taking place in the land of Ooo is finally happening! Pirates of the Enchiridion features all of your favorite Adventure Time...

Ryan Reynolds will voice Detective Pikachu in the Upcoming Live-Action Film

The comedic action star will take on the role of the popular Pokemon turned detective in the live-action and CGI hybrid film.  THR is reporting...

Yooka-Laylee Will Be Available for Nintendo Switch on December 14th

The current platforms for Yooka-Laylee will finally become full circle! With PS4, PC and Xbox One already getting releases for Yooka-Laylee, many fans were wondering if...

PS4 + Nintendo Switch are Getting a My Hero Academia Game

Screenshots of the game were released today by publisher Bandai Namco! Earlier today, Bandai Namco released screenshots of an upcoming game titled My Hero Academia: One's...

Link’s ‘Breath of the Wild’ Gear Available in Skyrim for Switch

At this point, just pick an elf as your character and you'll be Link's relative! Whatever suits you! If you've played Skyrim, you would know that...