
The best news in one place


Undertale Heads to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita this Summer

#vitalives The smash hit indie title Undertale is finally heading to consoles. Get ready to play the game this summer on PS4 AND PS Vita. The legendary...

Spider-Man for PS4 gets a Huge Gameplay Demo, Coming Next Year

Yep. It's just called Spider-Man. I think.  This year's Sony E3 press conference concluded with an extra-long look at Insomniac's upcoming Spider-Man game, and our...

Shadow of the Colossus Remake Coming to PS4 in 2018

AGRO! One of best games on the PS2 is heading to the PS4, and it looks gorgeous. A remake of Shadow of the Colossus was revealed...

Need for Speed: Payback Trailer – E3 Reveal #E32017

Need for Speed meets Fast and the Furious in this gameplay trailer! In this trailer, you have three people (Tyler, Jess and Mac) teaming up to...

Bioware’s New IP ‘Anthem’ Teaser #E32017

It's here, folks! Bioware’s teaser trailer for its new IP, Anthem. Rumoured to be the equivalent of Activision’s Destiny, and given the scenes we see...

Kingdom Hearts III New Trailer Drops

The wait has been long and, dare I say "unbearable"? Either way, we finally got a new trailer for a game that seems more...

Battlefield 1 – Russian DLC Coming E3 2017

Battlefield 1 fans around the world have been treated to a teaser trailer for the new Name of the Tsar DLC on PS4, Xbox...

Megaman Legacy Collection 2 Coming Soon

Mega Man will get an upgrade from his original 8-bit looks in this collection! In 2015, Capcom released the Mega Man Legacy Collection, which featured six classic...

New Dragon Ball Z Game Details Leak, “Dragon Ball Fighters” Coming to PS4, XBO, PC

Another title in the popular manga/anime video game franchise is coming! Never thought in a million years that we would ever see a hardcore developed...

Ubisoft’s For Honor loses more than 90% of Playerbase

Ubisoft have been having hard times with For Honor and it seems that things are only getting worse.  It is one thing to have...

Tom Hollands Wants Chris Pratt as Sully in Upcoming Uncharted Film

Oh no no no no. Well it may have taken the better part of a decade, but it finally looks like the Uncharted movie is...

Story Mode of Tekken 7 Surpasses Story Features of Other Fighting Games

The story mode of Tekken 7 is one of the most impressive story modes I have ever seen for a fighting game.  I played...

Final Fantasy VII Remake: Major Changes going on at Square Enix

At first, Square Enix was working with CyberConnect2 to work on the Final Fantasy VII Remake.  However, Square decided to make the game with...

New ‘Life is Strange’ Game has been Announced

Looks like the time-traveling game is getting a sequel! In a brief Youtube interview, Developer DONTNOD  Entertainment shared the news that Life is Strange will be getting...

Injustice 2 Red Hood Trailer Reveals Destructive Style

The Red Hood trailer for Injustice 2 has been revealed.  Jason Todd, former Robin, was brutally murdered by Joker.  However, he was revived by...

Injustice 2: Red Hood Gameplay Trailer will come this Weekend

In this year’s Combo Breaker, a competitive tournament for very skillful players in various well known fighters, Injustice 2 will be part of the...

Destiny 2: In-Game Lore to Replace Grimoire

Grimoire Gone for Good? Destiny has become known for its in-depth, near-complex lore for the Sci-Fi Genre, and the information it continues to output is...

Tekken 7 Cinematic Opening Intensifies the Story

Tekken 7 is fast approaching.  YouTube and other forms of social media was hit with one Tekken 7 trailer after another.  The past few...

Tekken 7 Story Mode Trailer Gets Personal

One thing that you can take from this trailer is the beauty of the graphics.  The visuals of Tekken 7 is downright gorgeous.  The...

Tekken 7 Character Trailer 2 Reveals More Than Moves

Bandai Namco released a new character trailer about 10 hours ago for the upcoming Tekken 7 game.  The following characters that were revealed in...