The mysterious villain from the popular Dragon Ball Super manga/anime joins DBFZ with a vicious set of combo moves and devastating techniques that are...
Nintendo fans (us included) are foaming at the mouth as Nintendo teases something special, leading many to speculate a possible Direct event later this...
A Danish retailer allegedly spilled the beans on when Rockstar's highly anticipated Western Shooter title will be coming to major platforms.
Danish retailer Coolshop, whose claim...
The opening cinematic for the highly anticipated Dragon Ball fighting title gives each character a small teaser introduction with epic rock music.
Dragon Ball FighterZ...
The Super FighterZ have arrived.
Bandai Namco has released another Dragon Ball FighterZ trailer, this time for the 2018 Jump Festa event (where the return...
V-Jump Magazine once again reveals more characters coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ, among them are perhaps the three most highly demanded so far.
The screen...
The current platforms for Yooka-Laylee will finally become full circle!
With PS4, PC and Xbox One already getting releases for Yooka-Laylee, many fans were wondering if...
Screenshots of the game were released today by publisher Bandai Namco!
Earlier today, Bandai Namco released screenshots of an upcoming game titled My Hero Academia: One's...
Naughty's Dog's dynamic duo hit PSN this Wednesday.
After being announced this past April, the Jak and Daxter sequels are finally coming to the PlayStation...