
The best news in one place


Fan Creates Super Mario on Unreal Engine 4

Mario looks beautiful in the Epic Games engine. While Nintendo has remained quiet over the possibility of a new 3D Mario game on the Wii...

Nintendo CEO Iwata Talks Digital Release Discounts, Club Nintendo’s Replacement Service

Nintendo gives some insight into plans for its Club Nintendo replacement and digital releases. Nintendo has no plans to discount digital releases. Launching a new...

Metroid Prime: Federation Force Coming to 3DS

Nintendo announces a new multiplayer title in the Metroid series, but our favorite heroine seems to be absent. Metroid Prime: Federation Force announced for 3DS....

‘Fire Emblem Fates’ Coming to US, Same-Sex Marriage Introduced

Nintendo is bringing the latest entry, in the SRPG franchise, stateside with a new relationship option. Fire Emblem Fates coming to U.S. Two versions sold...

New Star Fox Zero Game Revealed at E3

The long-awaited new Star Fox game is featured at the recent Nintendo E3 conference. In the recent E3 conferences, it was almost universally agreed upon...

Could Splatoon Fit Into the Mario Canon?

How new Wii U game can fit into Mario timeline! An alternate universe discovered if Mario failed. Nintendo came out with Splatoon almost a month...

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is A Mario RPG Crossover

Mario crosses over with, uh... Mario in this new handheld RPG. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is a combination of Mario & Luigi and Paper...

Xenoblade Chronicles X Finally Gets a North America Release

Nintendo announces North America release date during E3 digital event. Two months after Japan released their copy of Xenoblade Chronicles X, Nintendo announced that North...

Hyrule Warriors Legends Coming to 3DS

Hyrule Warriors is going mobile with some new faces and some new places. Hyrule Warriors coming to 3DS. Tetra and The King of Red Lions...

Take a Look at the Trailer for ‘Earthbound Beginnings’

Nintendo has announced Earthbound Beginnings, the English version of Mother, will be coming to the Wii U Virtual Console. Way back in the earlier 90s Earthbound, officially known as Mother...

Nintendo Reveals Super Mario Maker for the Wii U

Super Mario Maker, a game that allows users to create custom Super Mario levels, has received an official release date at E3. Ever want to...

New Challengers Approaching! Super Smash Bros. Update Leaks Ryu + Roy

Could Ryu and Roy be coming to Smash? The latest Super Smash Bros. leak is pretty legitimate. Sakurai had planned a conference, scheduled for tomorrow, to...

Check Out the List of Confirmed Games at E3 2015

Below is a list of games that are confirmed to be presented at E3 2015 Every year the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3 as it's...

Project Treasure Gets A New Trailer

A new trailer for the upcoming Project Treasure, a free-to-play Wii U-exclusive, has been released, and we can't wait to get our hands on...

‘Monster Hunter X’ Announced for 3DS

Monster Hunter X and its bigger, badder monsters will be the next handheld installment in the series. The latest Nintendo Direct brought a whole mess...

Check Out Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon’s First Gameplay Trailer

Take a peek at the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming Pokémon dungeon crawler. The turn-based Pokémon spinoff series is getting a new entry. Much...

Mighty No. 9: New Trailer, Pre-Order Bonus, Collector’s Edition and Retail Details

The dirty details about the game's release, featuring the Blue Bomber's successor, has been announced. The upcoming Mighty No. 9 seems to be picking up...

Super Fighting Robot! New Mega Man Animated Series In The Works

The Blue Bomber returns to the small screen to commemorate Capcom's 30th anniversary. I remember being in second grade, coming home from school and hopping...

The NES Is Getting a Museum Exhibit To Celebrate 30 Years

A New York museum to open an exhibit for the NES, as it hits another milestone. Now that I've made you feel old, let's talk about...

New Lego Dimensions Trailer Shows Doc Brown Playing With Legos

Great Scott! Christopher Lloyd reprises his role as Doc Brown in new trailer for Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment’s new game Lego Dimensions. The video shows...