Doom Multiplayer and Mods



Bethesda introduces Snapmap for Doom.

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t’s been a while since the Doom franchise has had a new game released for it’s series. The development of Doom, originally named Doom 4, was announced in 2008, but had a setback after failing to meet internal expectations. The game appears to have fixed the internal problems the last couple years and sustained that status leading up to the announcement of the new Doom game last month.

Unlike past Doom games, the gore in this game will be everywhere! Use your imagination how much gore is added into killing your enemy: body part bursts, cutting off limbs with melee attacks from a variety of weapons provided, you name it, Doom will give you so many ways to make demons lose blood.

Doom will feature multiplayer modes where players can play with their friends on multiple game modes, such as classic death match, co-op survival, and zombies. Doom runs on the new id Tech 6 game engine, the first game to do so.


Doom will have a brand-new feature coming to the game called Snapmap. Snapmap was described as a “built-in gateway” that allows any player to customize your own maps to help build “uncompromising depth” to map building without any experience from the players. This is similar to what Bungie did with Halo 3 by being able to customize maps except in Doom, the player can mod the entire map and game mode with . Whether it’s customizing where walls are, explosive barrels on the ground, the player has complete control of the game logic with Snapmap.


Doom is expected to be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC in Spring 2016.


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