‘Before We Leave’, a Non-Violent City Builder Indie Title with Plenty of Challenges

Before We Leave is a non-violent city building game set in your own cozy corner of the universe.



Before We Leave is a non-violent city building game set in your own cozy corner of the universe. Rediscover and rebuild civilization. Create a multi-planet resource network. Overcome ancient challenges and fend off hungry space whales.

Developed and published by Balancing Monkey Games, Before We Leave is a very eye-catching game, to be sure. But if the art style isn’t enough to sell you on it, here is a few key bullet points to sum up just what you and your adventure could be all about:

  • Your people have spent generations underground. They’ve missed the caress of sun on the skin, the squelch of soil between toes, the tickle of flies on noses. They emerge, full of wonder, and with absolutely no idea how to grow anything except potatoes.
  • Rebuild civilization by building huts, harvesting… potatoes and expanding your reborn society to other continents and eventually other planets. Manage resources, discover ancient tech and create a planetary network of colonies to thrive in your solar system.
  • But the universe is not safe. Ancient, ancestral guardians demand attention and challenge your cities. The planets you inhabit are scarred by the disasters that drove your forebears underground, and those catastrophes will punish poorly managed worlds.
  • Before We Leave is a (mostly) non-violent game. There are no weapons, no battles with neighbors for control of resources. You can, however, perish at the flippers of vast planet-gobbling space whales that graze on your worlds and threaten your civilization.
  • Play, chill out, and expand the fabric of your reborn society at your own pace and create your own solar system of rehabilitated planets. Just watch out for those pesky gigantic intergalactic plankton-feeders.

The game appears to be Windows only for now, but also as an Epic Games Store exclusive, which is likely to turn off a lot of the key demographic. But for those that don’t mind, you can pick it up sometime in the coming year.

Check it out here if you are interested.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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