Zack Snyder Talks Revealing Doomsday in the ‘Batman v Superman’ Trailer




If you watched the latest Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer, chances are you are in one of two camps: either you’re upset Doomsday was revealed to be in the film, or you don’t care.

If you’re sitting in the first camp, and are still upset, well, director Zack Snyder doesn’t care.

In an interview with thedailybeast, Snyder explained that he and Warner Bros. are well aware of what they are showing fans prior to the March release of his highly anticipated film.

“We had a long conversation about just taking ownership of that (revealing Doomsday), of giving it to the audience in a controlled way that I felt was consistent with the escalation of the campaign,” Snyder explained.

“To us it really made sense to give [Doomsday] to the audience now. I really wanted to make the audience a promise that… though I’m super excited and happy and fulfilled by the conflict of Batman and Superman, there’s also a bigger world to start to think about.”

This “bigger world” Snyder is alluding to is the greater DC Cinematic Universe he helping to construct, as it began with Man of Steel back in 2013.

The director has also been teasing a “bigger threat”in Dawn of Justice; something unknown and other than Doomsday.

We hypnotized this threat could be Darkseid, but many are speculating more unannounced villains like Bizarro are set to appear in the film.

Regardless, it seems as though the reveal of Doomsday was purposely done to create fan speculation, rather than quell it.

Synder even teased there is more to his Doomsday than meets the eye.

“Well, you have Doomsday, right? He doesn’t just crawl out of the ground. He has his own mythology, right? So that has to be explored…”


For those who are a little foggy as to whom Doomsday is, he was a character created in the early 90’s for the sole purpose of killing Superman, in the now infamous comic story arc, “The Death of Superman.” We recommend you watch this hilarious retelling of the events of this arc narrated by Max Landis here.

So does Doomsday’s appearance in Dawn of Justice spell out Superman’s doom? Will this mythology tie him in with Darkseid or Bizarro?

We don’t know, and honestly, we want to keep it that way. Zack, we appreciate the clarification, but we want to go in knowing as little as possible for this movie.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 25.


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