Get ready for the craziest psychedelic, zombie infested time of your life.
The latest and craziest trailer for Call of Duty's zombies is here and with...
"The world will always need heroes. We just need to reassemble."
Earlier this morning Marvel Entertainment released a statement that is certainly the best news we've...
Do we really need another Terminator Film?
Since his epic work on both The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgement Day James Cameron has not been involved in...
Elizabeth Banks' Repulsa makes her first screen debut.
Lionsgate finally dropped an official trailer for Power Rangers titled 'It's Morphin Time!' with many thrilling surprises contained...
The final trailer for Logan is a heart-wrenching thriller.
With just over a month left until its official release 20th Century Fox dropped the last trailer...
With such a complex origin story, writers Reese and Wernick hope to introduce the character without explaining his backstory in-depth.
If you've ever read Cable's...
"We’re very, very cognizant about making sure that Deadpool is above all a Deadpool movie."
With X-Men: Apocalypse ending in a way that would allow for 20th...
The star-studded cast for The New Mutants just got better.
In a recent interview with Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch) learned that James McAvoy (X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men: First...
Compared to Goldar the Putty Patrollers don't look that bad.
So far the cosmetics and costumes for the upcoming Power Rangers film have been at the center of...
While there are few details, the sequels boast original pixelated graphics and a remix of the original theme song.
A trailer for the upcoming Double Dragon...
How Carrie Fisher's death impacts the storyline of Star Wars remains to be seen.
As tragic as it is that Carrie Fisher unexpectedly passed away last...