Star Trek: Discovery TV Show to Have Female-Lead, More Details Revealed



Bryan Fuller: The female-lead will be referred to as “Number One”

[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]howrunner Bryan Fuller confirmed to Ain’t It Cool News that the female-lead for Star Trek: Discovery will be known as “Number One” for the entire first season, but her real name will be revealed at the end of the season. The first 13 episodes are written by Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, while Nicholas Meyers will write the last 13 episodes of the season. Each episode will represent a chapter that will have a beginning, middle and end. 

“I would strongly recommend that we never do 26 episodes,” Fuller said. “I think it would fatigue the show. Ideally I would like to do 10 episodes. I think that’s a tighter story.”

Star Trek: Discovery will be set 10 years prior to Captain Kirk’s mission. Fuller commented, “There’s an incident and and event in Star Trek history, that’s been talked about but never been explored. To do this series, we’re telling a much more serialized story, to dig deep into a very tantalizing storyline. And we have a character who’s on a journey, and in order to understand something that is alien she first has to understand herself,”

New characters will be shuffled in throughout the season, with classic characters making appearances “in some form.”

Production will begin in September in Toronto. Kurtzman and Fuller are co-creators and executive producers for this new series, based on Gene Roddenberry’s original Star Trek series. Kurtzman was a co-writer and producer for 2009’s Star Trek and Star Trek: Into Darkness

Star Trek: Discovery will debut in January 2017 on CBS before airing permanently on CBS All Access. Along with a female lead, the show will also have robots. 

“We’ll probably have a few more aliens than you typically have on the show. We wanted to paint a picture of Starfleet where we’re going to have new exciting aliens and also new imagining of existing aliens,” Fuller previously told EW. And will there be a gay character? “Absolutely we’re having a gay character,” he added.

Are you excited for this new Star Trek series? Let us know in the comments below!



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