‘Sherlock’ Season 4 Finally Begins Filming



Sherlock and Watson are well and truly back in the game!

[dropcap size=small]F[/dropcap]ans of the BBC’s Sherlock can be forgiven for feeling like they’ve been waiting long enough for the return of the famous detective (Benedict Cumberatch) and his sidekick, Watson (Martin Freeman).

Its been two whole years since the third season ended, and whilst the recent Christmas special The Abominable Bride helped to relieve the dry spell a little, we’re all ready for the series to make a proper comeback on our small screens. 

The ever brilliant co-creator, writer and actor Mark Gatiss – who plays Sherlock’s older brother Mycroft – delivered some exceptionally good news to Sherlockian fans everywhere, via Sherlock’s twitter account: 

Appearing through the mysterious mist and uttering the words ‘we’re back, the game is on,’ Gatiss gave Sherlock fans something to truly rejoice over, in a fantastic cloak-and-dagger way that befits the return of the series. We love you, Mr. Gatiss. 

We’re all pretty much still in that mist whilst we wait to find out what adventures await Arthur Conan Doyle’s seminal detective, but it’s great to hear that filming is underway.

The slate Gatiss is holding in the glorious tweet also reveals the addition of Rachel Talalay, who’s worked on series such as DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash. Talalay will be the first female director to take on an episode in the series, and we look forward to seeing what she brings to the table. 

Who knows what mysteries Sherlock and Watson will solve next, but we can all be thankful that we’ll definitely be finding out soon.

The 4th series of Sherlock is slated to air sometime in 2017, with rumours that it may be back in January. 


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