Rumor: Matrix Reboot may be a Prequel Starring Michael B. Jordan




Last week’s story that The Matrix series would be getting a reboot went over as well as you think it would go. 

Since then, rumors  have emerged suggesting that this new film isn’t a reboot at all, and instead will take place in the existing Matrix universe. 

Birth.Movies.Death reports that Warner Bros. does not want to reboot The Matrix, but rather tell stories in the world established in the original trilogy. Think Star Wars anthology movies. 

Specifically, a Morpheus-centered prequel film is gaining a lot of traction at the studio, with Michael B. Jordan pursued to star in the leading role. 

Michael B. Jordan has appeared in a number of high-profile projects on the small screen like The Wire and Friday Night Lights, and big movies such as the titular role in Creed, as well as Geek Outpost’s favorite film of all time, FANT4STIC. 

Jordan is an incredible young talent, but we can’t really picture him in a trench coat and those goofy little glasses.

Anyway, this is apparently just one of many Matrix ideas being bounced around at Warner Bros., so who knows if we’ll actually see a Jordan-led film, or if this franchise even comes back anytime soon.

(Fingers crossed it doesn’t.)


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