Consider This My Fan Campaign to Cast Jodie Comer as Spider-Gwen in Live-Action

The Killing Eve star would seriously rock as her own universe's Spider-Gwen.



It is pretty clear that Sony has plans with its Spider-Verse, both animated and live-action. Especially considering how many Spider-Man baddies are getting their own solo films for… some reason… it would be safe to assume that after the success of Into the Spider-Verse, they will probably end up doing live-action films of many different Spider-People. This means that it is inevitable that Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen will be among the top contenders of appearing in live-action first- either in a team-up or a solo film. Either way, you can consider this the official start of my fan campaign to have Jodie Comer in the role.

Aside from resembling Gwen Stacy from the comic pages, Comer’s wide range of acting ability would bring an incredibly refreshing and emotional take to the superhero genre.

Sony knows what the fans want to see. Perhaps it is an animated version of various Spider-People getting into team-ups to save the world, or it could be something else entirely- a live-action world of possibility. With that in mind, I could not help but think of the future of superhero films and the inevitable possibility of more live-action movies about various Spider-Men and Spider-Women across the vastness of the Multiverse, specifically the SpiderVerse. And this got me considering a solo film featuring none other than the wildly popular Gwen Stacy, AKA Spider-Gwen.

Considering that this is bound to happen eventually, I wondered just who would fit the role of Gwen Stacy best. Sure, some would vouch for Emma Stone after her short-lived role in Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man flicks but I would counter that in Comer due to her incredibly charming and impressive acting range, among many other reasons that I feel are fairly obvious if you have seen her in, well, anything but specifically Killing Eve. Plus, Comer just looks like how I envision Stacy more in live-action than Emma Stone ever did.

As to who deserves the role most is purely subjective and this, of course, all depends on where we are at in the story that Sony wants to bring to life and by that I mean, how close the story being told on-screen mirrors the comic books. Would this be a high school origin story? Perhaps in college? Age matters for the actress and the tone of the film will push the needle in one direction or the other for the best possible fit for the character. That said, I would have to imagine that it would be an origin at the very least, considering how different and full of creative nuances it would feel when compared to say, the classic Peter-Parker story we have heard and seen so many times before. Regardless, at the present time in 2021, I see no one more fitting than Jodie Comer (Killing Eve, Free Guy).

Maybe it is just me but after seeing Comer crush it in the role of a wildly unpredictable assassin, something about the vision of her standing on a rooftop overlooking Manhattan or Madison Square Garden in a Spider suit just moves me to tears.

We haven’t heard much about plans for a live-action Spider-Gwen movie but there were some talks floating around regarding Sony looking into developing such a movie but nothing has been shared since. Some fans were expecting that Emma Stone would take on the role in some capacity but considering her death and the fact that Webb’s franchise abruptly ended (with rumors that Garfield and friends will come back in No Way Home) so that isn’t likely, though anything is possible.

At the end of the day, this is just wishful thinking. Spider-Gwen has had an incredibly awesome comic run and the animated character we saw brought to life by Hailee Steinfeld really got us looking forward to the possibility of a live-action version of the character thwipping her way through downtown New York City. If it does happen someday, we would love nothing more than Jodie Comer to put on the suit and impress us with a performance we just know she would knock out of the park.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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