Hulu Will End Free Streaming: Moving to Subscription Only



Hulu had free content available to users since the company started in 2007.

[dropcap size=small]H[/dropcap]ulu was known to be one of the few websites that had free streaming content to offer for those who were interested. But on Monday, The Hollywood Reporter stated that the streaming company will be switching to a subscription-only site, just like Netflix.

Since 2007, Hulu has offered free content samples to give to it’s users to watch TV shows that had just been recently aired on TV. Hulu will offer subscribers complete TV series, movies and original programming.

Subscribers have two choices with what subscription they choose: either $7.99 for access to content, but ads play throughout the show or $11.99 for no-ads at all. Hulu currently has 12 million subscribers on it’s site. 

This is a big move for Hulu to take free content away. This could either attract more people or back fire and lose content. But either way, I think this is the right move to do. In order to compete with Netflix and other streaming sites, Hulu had to make their content exclusive. Personally, I don’t mind paying $7.99 for quality content with ads to run while I go get a snack from the kitchen. Will this move work out? We’ll find out soon enough.

What do you think of this movie by Hulu? Let us know in the comments below!


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