It’s definitely fun to go out to the cinema to enjoy a movie that has just been released. There’s an exciting feeling about sitting in those comfortable seats, buying popcorn, and watching the film taking place in front of you on a big screen.
Sometimes, however, you might not feel like going out. You might just want to stay at home, perhaps because your budget is tight or because the weather is bad, or because you just like being in your own space. The good news is that you can still enjoy a great movie even when you’re at home. It might not be a brand-new release (although, depending on your streaming service and how the film is being distributed, it might be), but that isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is that you enjoy the evening. This means plenty of preparation and planning. Read on to find out more about how to create the perfect movie night.

Find The Perfect Film
The thing that will take the longest amount of time when you are planning the perfect movie night is choosing the perfect film. You’ll want something that you’re going to enjoy, so now is necessarily the time to pick something you’ve never heard of or something in a genre you wouldn’t usually watch. For some, the perfect movie is a classic they’ve seen dozens of times, others will want to see a specific actor, or you might choose a film on the merits of the reviews it’s received.
If you know that choosing a film is going to take a while, start the process of whittling down your choices days before your movie night takes place. In this way, you won’t waste any time when it comes to playing the film. If you’ve got friends or family coming to watch, make sure you get their input too.
Give Yourself Time
Now you have the film you’re going to watch on your movie night, you’ll need to dedicate time to making sure you can watch it. Think about the running time and work out when you need to start the film to ensure you can watch it all. You’ll also need to work out when you’re going to eat and have snacks, and if you’re going to play any games and have other activities (as we’ll discuss shortly), you’ll want to leave time for them as well.
You should also plan your day well so that you’re not distracted because you had to rush through work or you left something undone just to get to your movie night on time. Make a to-do list for the day that includes all of your important tasks, like applying for jobs and checking your Lensa jobs offers or answering important emails, and so on. If you still have things to do, you might not enjoy the film so much, or you might start movie night late, which could have an impact on the rest of your activities.
Other Activities
We’ve mentioned other activities a few times now, and it’s worth discussing them and how you might want to incorporate them into your movie night. Of course, it’s good fun to be able to sit in comfort, surrounded by drinks and snacks (and possibly friends and family), and watch a movie at home – that’s the entire point of movie night. However, what if you could enhance it?
One way to do this is by adding extra activities to the fun. You could have a trivia quiz after each movie to see who was paying attention, for example. Another idea is that you could play a form of bingo (you could create it yourself), and when something happens in the movie, people might have that thing on their scorecards. This is fun if you know a movie well or if you enjoy a specific genre and can note down all the cliches that could come up. Have prizes and challenges for tie breaks at the ready and make the evening really fun.
Some of the games and activities you play will need other people, but some you can enjoy even if you’re the only one watching, so you can still have an added element if you want to enjoy your movie night to the fullest.
Consider The Food And Drink
Once the movie has started, you don’t really want to keep getting up to get snacks and drinks, so ideally, you will have everything in place before you start.
Consider what drinks and snacks are going to be best with that in mind. Popcorn is always an excellent choice, and today you can get it in a variety of different flavours and combinations. Nachos and dip also work well, and so does a great charcuterie board. You might want to order a pizza or other takeaway, but if you do, you’ll need to time it right so that your movie isn’t disrupted.