Harley Quinn Spinoff Film to be Produced by Margot Robbie



You might say she is a lucky chap!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n the wake of Suicide Squad, Margot Robbie has signed a contract with Warner Bros. to star in a Harley Quinn solo film. Part of the contract is that Warner Bros. will develop and produce the movie through Robbie’s Lucky Chap Entertainment banner, effectively making Margot Robbie an executive producer for the film. No further details about the movie have been released so far.

This is not the only movie that Robbie will be partnering with Warner Bros however. The adaptation of Dean N. Jensen’s Queen of the Air, which Robbie will star in, will also be developed and produced through Lucky Chap Entertainment by Warner Bros.

While fans have been clamoring for a Joker and Harley spinoff film, there is not one, this may be enough to quench their thirst. Also, since the Joker was already established as having very close ties to and having a lot of history with Harley Quinn, it may not be too far of a leap to suggest that the Joker could appear in the film. However, nothing has been confirmed so this could very well not be true but it is something to consider moving forward.

There is no release date or production date for the Harley Quinn solo film.


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