
The best news in one place


Dead Island 2 Delayed

Deep Silver is pushing the game back until 2016 to make it true to their vision. Dead Island 2 is being pushed back from its expected...

The Just Cause 3 Gameplay Trailer is Filled with MANY Explosions

The gameplay trailer for Just Cause 3 shows off a massive open-world environment, plenty of destruction and anything that could explode absolutely does. The only limit...

Yooka-Laylee is Basically the Next Banjo-Kazooie

Former Rare developers decided to resurrect the golden age of the 3D platforming era, and here's what they've been working on. A bat riding a...

Black Ops III Multiplayer to Feature Wall Running and Specialist Classes

Call of Duty: Black Ops III to feature Titanfall style movement and Specialist characters in multiplayer mode. Treyarch is giving the Call of Duty multiplayer a huge...

Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman in the New Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer

The new trailer for Arkham Knight introduces Nightwing, Robin, and Catwoman fighting alongside Batman. In the latest trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight that was released by Rocksteady...

Call of Duty: Black Ops III Trailer Released

Treyarch is at it again, taking the latest addition to the Call of Duty franchise even further into the future. The newest member of the Call...

Tony Hawk Teases ‘Pro Skater 5’ With Funny Instagram Video

Pro-skateboarders Tony Hawk and Rob Wootton have teased the next installment of Hawk's legendary skateboarding games via a clever Instagram video. Wootton acts out a...

3D Adventure Time Game Announced

It's Adventure Time! Although Adventure Time games have all come in a top-down perspective, Little Orbit is developing a 3d perspective. With this perspective, Little...

Norman Reedus Leaves ‘Silent Hills’ – Konami Scraps Game Entirely

The Playable Teaser (P.T. on PSN) to 'Silent Hills' is all fans will ever get to see as Konami announces they are cancelling the...

Destiny’s New DLC – House Of Wolves Teases Level 34

A teaser for the new DLC for Destiny's House of Wolves has been released and it shows that you can reach light level 34! The newest DLC...

Mad Max (the game) – Cars, Chaos, and a Barren Desert

The release of new screenshots and videos from Avalanche Studios shows off Mad Max in an exciting way. In March of this year, Warner Brothers...

Star Ocean 5 Looks Flat-Out Beautiful

It doesn't get more anime than this, fellas. After announcing Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithfulness last week, Square Enix let out a batch of...

Calling the Witcher 3 Map “Huge” is a Severe Understatement

Witcher 3 Map is larger than anything you have ever seen. Keep the dirty jokes to yourself.  CD Projekt Red's Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is...

You Can Now Own The ‘Journey’ Soundtrack On Vinyl

Hey, audio snobs-- if you love the game Journey, here's some good news for you: The game's soundtrack is being released as a cool,...

Here are Details of Dragon Ball XenoVerse DLC pack 3

Contents of DLC Pack 3 for Dragon Ball XenoVerse have been officially announced for a North American release! The contents of the third DLC are...


Dragon Ball XenoVerse has released its DLC GT Pack 2 and it contains new characters, quests and special moves. The much awaited Dragon Ball XenoVerse...

Journey Being Released on PS4 and Coming in at 60fps

Sony is about to release a remastered version of Journey along with two other games for PS4. The game collection will be out this summer...

Dragon Ball XenoVerse DLC Pack 3 includes Super Saiyan Gods

The third DLC pack will include the new blue-haired Super Saiyan Gods, as well as Golden Frieza.  The second DLC pack for Dragon Ball XenoVerse...

Star Wars Battlefront Trailer Has Been Released!

Mostly a cinematic, the game shows bits of what could be in-game play towards the end of the 2m12s video!  Because an AT-AT in the...

Win One-of-a-Kind Borderlands Loot from “Handsome Jack’s Loot Contest”

Calling all Vault Hunters! A hand-made Golden Couch, Golden-Key Loot Chest Table, and a ClapTrap Mini-Fridge, all can be yours!  "Borderlands: The Handsome Collection is out...