
The best news in one place


There Will Be No Final Fantasy Worlds in ‘Kingdom Hearts 3’

Fingers crossed for The World Ends with You though.  In an interview with GameSpot, Kingdom Hearts 3 co-director Tai Yasue revealed that Sora and company...

Resident Evil 7 will not have Quicktime Events

Press X to read! What seemed to be an amusing mechanic when it first debuted in Resident Evil 4, QTEs (quick time events) have become...

Latest ‘Berserk’ Trailer Shows Epic Sword Battles with Black Swordsman

This impressive trailer is going to make you go berserk. The popular manga Berserk is not only being created into its own anime later on this fall,...

Here is the Latest From Blizzard on Overwatch’s New Competitive Mode

Blizzard holds its promise of tweaking Overwatch based on player's feedback. Blizzard Entertainment's Overwatch has become one of the most popular video games to date and quickly...

Cancelled ‘Ecco the Dolphin’ Sequel For Dreamcast Has Been Uncovered

The classic Sega Genesis we all came to love was close to getting a sequel for PS2! Way back when I was a kid, I remember...

Mighty No.9 – Here’s What Some of the Top Critics are Saying

NEIN! Mighty No. 9, the kickstarted spiritual successor to Mega Man, is FINALLY available. This fast-paced precision platformer starring the titular android, Beck, has received...

Face Hordes of Zombies in the Upcoming PS4 Exclusive ‘Days Gone’

The Lost and the Infected Sony has now released a trailer and some game play footage of their new exclusive: Days Gone. The title is...

‘Dead Rising 4’ is a “Timed Exclusive” for Xbox One and Windows 10

(So it's coming to PS4 eventually.)  The fourth entry of the open-world zombie series Dead Rising was revealed last week during the Microsoft E3 press...

Marvel May be Building a Shared Video Game Universe

Insomniac's take on the friendly neighbourhood web-slinger gets our spidey senses tingling, and could signal a new era for Marvel games.  Spider-Man is said to...

‘Final Fantasy XV’ Will Have Around 200 Hours of Gameplay

You'll spend a quarter of that time just completing the game.  Believe it or not, we're only a few months away from the release of...

‘Resident Evil 7’ Announced, Demo Available Now On PSN

Capcom announced that RE7 will also be available for Xbox One and PC! Among all of the game titles that were announced at E3 this...

Choices Matter in the New Trailer for ‘Detroit: Become Human’

In Quantic Dream's new title every decision you make will have consequences.  During Sony's E3 conference a trailer debuted for the brand new title from...

‘Kingdom Hearts 3’ Director Says Entire Series May Come to Current Consoles

KH 1.5 and KH 2.5 could be remastered for PS4 and Xbox One. Sorry Kingdom Hearts fans, it would seem that Kingdom Hearts III, which had a gameplay/teaser trailer debuted...

$250 Titanfall 2 Collector’s Edition Confirmed

For the ultimate Titanfall fan Titanfall 2 Collector's Edition will be available on Amazon for a hefty sum of $250. This edition of the game will come...

‘Ratchet and Clank’ Developer Working on Spider-Man Game for the PS4

With great power comes great responsibility. And really cool graphics.  During the 2016 E3 Sony press conference, it was revealed that Insomniac Games, the team...

Remastered ‘Crash Bandicoot’ Trilogy Coming to PS4

Welcome home, our wacky orange friend.  After endless teasing for nearly a year, Crash Bandicoot is finally returning to PlayStation.  During the 2016 E3 Sony Press Conference,...

Kratos is Back in ‘God of War’ for the PS4

And he's got a beard! During Sony's PlayStation E3 press conference, the fourth entry of the God War series was revealed. Check out the trailer below. As...

Skyrim Special Edition Coming To XBO, PS4, PC This October

It's what we've wanted all along.  This November will make 5 years since the release of one of the most popular and beloved games of...

Here is Everything Bethesda Announced at their E3 Conference

BE3 2016 certainly didn't disappoint!  Bethesda gave us a big tasty chunk of reveals at their BE3 showcase this year, and kicked off the E3...

‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Kit Harington is the Villain in ‘CoD: Infinite Warfare’

Entertainment Weekly has revealed that Lord Commander of the Night's Watch/northern bastard/potential Azhor Ahai Jon Snow, aka Kit Harington, will have a role in...