Earlier today, EW revealed their first look at Colton Haynes in full garb as Arsenal, the Green Arrow’s sidekick in the CW series Arrow. Take a look below and see for yourself.
In the comics, Green Arrow’s sidekick Roy Harper, starts off with the secret identity name “Speedy”, then goes through a few different names before arriving on the name “Arsenal”. In CW’s Arrow, “Speedy” is a nickname given to Oliver Queen’s younger sister, though Roy was called “Speedy” accidentally by Oliver Queen likely as an homage to the original source material.
So what do you think? Does Speedy/Red Arrow/Arsenal’s look live up to your expectations? Let us know in the comments below (hey, that rhymed!).
Colton Haynes is set to appear in full costume as Arsenal in the first episode of Season 3 coming this October 8, only on the CW.