Far Cry 5 Confirmed, Released Plan For Early 2018



Far Cry 5 Confirmed

Ubisoft announced that Far Cry 5 is in development and is scheduled to be released before April 2018Far Cry 5 will be the first Far Cry game since Far Cry Primal, which was released in February 2016.

“Over the last three fiscal years, Ubisoft has – with remarkable success – created numerous new brands and rebooted Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon… In 2017-18 we will see the exciting returns of Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, The Crew and South Park. In 2018-19 we intend to pursue our digital transformation and consolidate our new business model, which is much more recurring and more profitable and is now significantly less exposed to new releases.”

A Far Cry 5 section has also appeared in the official Ubisoft forums. Reports have suggested that the game will be set in the American West, and specifically, in Montana. 

Source (1)


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