Say it with me now: “EXPECTO PATRONUM!”
[dropcap size=small]P[/dropcap]ottermore is undoubtedly one of the most magical places on the internet. It’s allowed us to find out which house we belong to, delivered us endless amounts of additional lore about Rowling’s Wizard world, and even gifted us with some short stories to satiate hungry fans who don’t want to leave the world of Harry Potter behind them.
And as if that wasn’t enough, we can now find out what our very own Patronus is!
Pottermore is extremely proud to reveal the new Patronus experience. From today, registered users can discover their own unique Patronus for the first time. Yes, really!
We love you, Pottermore.
If you don’t have a Pottermore account, now’s the time to set one up, folks!
The Patronus is an advanced magical defensive spell which summons a silver animal guardian that comes to the casters aid. The guardian comes in many different forms depending on the individual – in Harry’s case, his Patronus comes in the shape of a stag. The first use of a Patronus appeared in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry was attacked by Death Eaters.
So what are you waiting for? Summon up your happiest memory and get ready to follow your instincts, as you answer some cryptic questions written by none other than Rowling herself.
You can find out what your Patronus is right here!
Our Patronuses
I couldn’t very well resist checking this out for myself, and some of the GO staff were just as excited to find out what their Patronus is.
So without further ado, here’s what some of the GO staff got:
“I like to think my Patronus is trying to make up for my lack of majesty. White Mares are often associated with mythological creatures like the Unicorn or Pegasus, and since I’m a dreamer, it’s a pretty appropriate selection for me. I instantly thought of Shadowfax from The Lord of the Rings too, so I can totally dig this.”
Jake and Dillon:
Jake: “While I would be content with any feline, monochrome or not, my Patronus is an accurate reflection of my constant desire to sleep and bat shiny things around with my hand/paw. I approve.”
Dillon: “I’m actually allergic to cats, so it’s not the best pairing!”
“I would say that I feel complimented by my Patronus. It is quite rare to have a Patronus such as this, and if I am to toot my own horn, so to speak, I believe that I am a rare friend to have.”
“I mean, sure. I guess I’m a bit like a dog. I’m loyal and outdoorsy, and I often eat off the floor. You can laugh but I haven’t had to wash up in years.”
“I could not find any details about this particular bird, but the surname ‘Goshawk’ belonged to a wizarding family, one of whom happened to be Miranda Goshawk, the author of The Standard Book of Spells grades one and two, which are required textbooks for Hogwarts students.”
Below is a list of known Patronus Charms that users have received as the result of their test, however this may not be all of the available results.

- Aardvark
- Abraxan Winged Horse
- Adder
- Badger
- Basset Hound
- Bat
- Bay Mare
- Bay Stallion
- Beagle
- Black and White Cat
- Black Bear
- Black Mare
- Black Mamba
- Black Stallion
- Black Swan
- Blackbird
- Bloodhound
- Borzoi
- Brown Bear
- Brown Hare
- Brown Owl
- Buffalo
- Buzzard
- Calico Cat
- Capuchin Monkey
- Caracal
- Cheetah
- Chestnut Mare
- Chestnut Stallion
- Chow Dog
- Crow
- Dapple Grey Mare
- Dapple Grey Stallion
- Deerhound (Will Dunn’s (James Sirius Potter)2 Patronus)
- Doe
- Dolphin
- Dragon
- Dragonfly
- Dun Mare
- Dun Stallion
- Eagle
- Eagle Owl
- Elephant
- Erumpent
- Field Mouse
- Fire-Dwelling Salamander
- Fox
- Fox Terrier
- Ginger Cat
- Goshawk
- Granian Winged Horse
- Grass Snake
- Great Grey Owl
- Grey Squirrel
- Greyhound
- Hare
- Hedgehog
- Heron (J.K. Rowling’s Patronus)
- Hippogriff
- Hummingbird
- Huskey
- Hyena
- Ibizan Hound
- Impala
- Irish Wolfhound
- Jack Terrier
- King Cobra
- Kingfisher
- Leopard
- Leopardess
- Lion
- Lioness
- Little Owl
- Lynx
- Magpie
- Manx Cat
- Marsh Harrier
- Mastiff Dog
- Mink
- Mole
- Mongrel Dog
- Mountain Hare
- Nebelung Cat
- Newfoundland
- Nightjar
- Occamy
- Ocicat
- Orangutan
- Orca
- Oryx
- Osprey
- Otter
- Peacock
- Pheasant
- Piebald Mare
- Piebald Stallion
- Pine Marten
- Polar Bear
- Polecat
- Python
- Quail
- Ragdoll Cat
- Rat
- Rattlesnake
- Raven
- Red Squirrel
- Rhinoceros
- Robin
- Rottweiler
- Runespoor
- Russian Blue Cat
- Saint Bernard
- Salamander
- Salmon
- Scops Owl
- Seal
- Shark
- Shrew
- Siberian Cat
- Snowy Owl
- Sparrow
- Sparrowhawk
- Stag
- Stoat
- Swallow
- Swift
- Sphynx Cat
- Thestral
- Tiger
- Tigress
- Tiny Owl
- Tonkinese Cat
- Tortoiseshell Cat
- Unicorn
- Vole
- Vulture
- Weasel
- West Highland Terrier
- White Mare
- White Stallion
- White Swan
- Wild Boar
- Wild Hare
- Wild Rabbit
- Wildcat
- Wolf
- Wood Mouse
Discover your Patronus here.