Director Sam Mendes says Andrew Scott was Originally the Main Villain of ‘Spectre’



It could have been a stand-off between Britain’s most brilliant psychopath and the country’s best secret agent/

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]he latest James Bond film Spectre could have ended much differently than anyone could have expected. In a recent interview with Empire film magazine director Sam Mendes confessed that Andrew Scott’s Max Denbigh was originally supposed to be the one responsible for all of the pain and suffering in James Bond’s life.


“There was a long period where it flipped and it turned out that he was the person who was running the show,” Mendes said.

I’m sure that at this point the Sherlock fandom is geeking out at the thought of Moriarty being the mastermind behind the tragic events in 007’s life. Then again, a crossover between Sherlock and the next James Bond film would be incredibly entertaining to see. Can you imagine Daniel Craig’s Bond sitting in the same room as Benjamin Cumberbatch’s Sherlock while Martin Freeman’s Watson just tries to awkwardly defuse the pressure in the room? That would be absolutely fantastic to watch but the chances of that happening are about as slim as Moriarty coming back to life for the fourth season of Sherlock.


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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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