‘Assassin’s Creed: Unity’ Trailer #2 – Co-Op and Customization



[dropcap size=small]U[/dropcap]bisoft hit us with a new trailer for the next installment of Assassin’s Creed: Unity and we’re excited to see some long awaited and heavily anticipated changes.

First off: customization. Deep, deep customization of your character’s look as well as skill set (Parkour, Ground Combat, Stealth) provide thousands of combinations of weapons and looks. All assassins begin with core set of strengths that can be built upon in any order, any combination, with seemingly endless results on your journey, as each decision you make will garner it’s own effect on your mission toward becoming a Master Assassin.  Master a skill, pick up a new one. Tie this in with the idea that where one assassin can be good but a team can be better, they introduce us to :

Co-Op Play mode. Playing as Arno, and set in the brutal epicenter of the French Revolution, you’ll now be able to partner up with friends in 2-4 player Online Co-Op mode. Each Co-Op mission ties in directly to a specific event in the French Revolution, and is open-ended to encourage teamwork and awareness of the advantages each of your teammate’s individual talents bring to the table. Share Eagle Vision, group-healing advantages and pooling together your money take the Brotherhood to the next level.

In a Revolution this bloody, you must adapt or die.

Next Gen technology has created some stunning visuals, incredible surroundings and the great combat physics we’ve come to appreciate from this franchise. Co-Op and Deep Customization will show us things we’ve never even imagined.

Assassins Creed Unity comes to Xbox One, PS4, and Windows on November 11, 2014. 

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