Adventure Time, Sonic, and More DLC coming to Lego Dimensions



The biggest mix-mash of characters ever!

[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]ego recently released a trailer for their new Lego Dimensions DLCs that is filled with new characters from Sonic to Finn from Adventure Time. Along with the newer characters there is also the games originals like Wildstyle, Batman, and Gandalf. You can watch the trailer below.


All of these characters will be coming to Lego Dimensions via DLC later this year starting in September. This trailer is described as the E3 trailer so we should be getting more information at E3.

In addition to having the in-game characters, Lego will be producing Lego toy versions of the characters and vehicles as well.

All of the new characters and levels will add their own bit of flavor to an already packed game. The only thing that seems to be limiting how diverse a team can be is the player’s own imagination. Pairing Gandalf, Harry Potter, and The Doctor is just one of the few dream combinations that can happen in the ever-expanding Lego Dimensions.

The next wave of DLC’s for Lego Dimensions will be coming out in September.


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