Neighbors 2 Gets a Title and New Actress



Neighbors fans get some long awaited information regarding a sequel, including a new actress as well as the film’s possible title.

After gaining a spot on the list of top comedies of 2014, it was only a matter of time until Nick Stoller and company would announce a sequel to last year’s film, Neighbors. The comedy had over $265 million in sales which is quite impressive for an R-rated comedy movie starring an ex-High School Musical star. However, it has been announced that the awaited sequel is in the foreseeable future for fans of the first film.

Starring Seth Rogen, Rose Byrns, Dave Franco, and Zac Efron, the first film ended when Seth Rogen and Rose Byrns, a newlywed couple, made amends with Efron and Franco’s fraternity. The couple and the fraternity live right next to each other and one can imagine what it would be like to live next to a rowdy fraternity house. Given that the two parties were able to overcome their differences, many people wondered what they could possibly do in a sequel. This question was answered recently on Twitter when actress Chloe Grace Moretz verified her role in the upcoming film by saying: “it’s time for girls to take over…;)”. It can be expected that there might be some sorority induced drama that could threaten the peace on this residential street with the recent release of the sequel’s possible title, Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising.

The first film gained a lot of its success due to the fact that the characters and the conflict were very authentic yet still absolutely hilarious. Byrnes and Rogen played a stellar young couple that still wanted to live the life of the party and Zac Efron played his role perfectly becoming permanently engraved in my mind as the typical frat boy. As long as the crew is able to bring back Dave Franco, the film looks like it could be another hit comedy in 2016. Let’s be honest, Dave Franco is pretty much perfect. Mark your calendars for the updated release date of the film on May 20th, 2016.


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