‘Witcher III’ Developer is now Worth $1 Billion



That is a lot of zeros!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n the wake of their smash hit The Witcher III: The Wild Hunt, all of the expansions for the game, and Gog.com, developer CD Projekt Red is now worth over $1 billion according to the Polish stock market. Last weekend CD Projekt Red released their first-half financial report which revealed this revelation to the world.

CD Projekt Red brought in net profits of $34.7 million in the second quarter of 2016 while Gog.com, the developers game sales platform, brought in $17 million by itself. These profits were able to increase the company’s market capitalization to $1.341 billion, which is how they are now worth over $1 billion.

While this is a massive accomplishment for any company, CD Projekt Red only has eyes on the future and is not basking in their own glory. They are planning on expanding Gog Galaxy to allow for multiplayer for Gwent and for cross-platform play on Xbox One. They are also working with Chinese game company GAEA to have their games distributed in China through GAEA. This is a very ambitious business plan for CD Projekt Red but as the saying goes “you have to play big to win big”. It will be interesting to see if these plans will succeed and what CD Projekt Red will do next.


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