
1835 POSTS

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HIDIVE Announces Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho as Headliner for Spring 2025

"The new supernatural historical fantasy series Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho will launch the upcoming simulcast season on the anime streaming service."

Amazon’s The Boys Teases Major Supernatural Reunion in Final Season

Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins join Jim Beaver, JD Morgan, and Jensen Ackles in the upcoming fifth and final season of Amazon's hit series The Boys.

Rita’s Rewind Getting Major Update – Upgradeable Stats, Gameplay Modifiers, & More

After a lukewarm reception at launch, Digital Eclipse is hard at work doing everything they can to improve things.


You Showed Us Nothing Jon Snow in the New Game of Thrones Teaser

New Game of Thrones teaser gains some season 6 publicity, but displays no new content. A new Game of Thrones teaser was released earlier today, and...

New ‘Batman v Superman’ Trailer Released

It's the Son of Krypton versus the Bat of Gotham in this newly released trailer. Comic book fans everywhere are rejoicing right now. First we...

Marvel’s Latest ‘Luke Cage’ Casting Includes Daredevil Series Tie-In

Sonia Braga joins the cast of Luke Cage as Soledad Temple, mother of Claire Temple. The cast of Marvel's Luke Cage has grown a little bit bigger with Marvel...

This Week at the Trailer Park

This week at the Park, we have a long awaited Civil War, some talking animals, and dudes on a mission to take down the...

New Star Wars Teaser Focuses on Kylo Ren and the Dark Side

Newest Star Wars teaser releases some great footage on the upcoming film's villains. Today Star Wars fans have even more to be thankful for with...

Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘The Revenant’ is Bloody but his Performance is Oscar-Worthy

Leonardo DiCaprio's stellar performance was displayed during a voter's screening of The Revenant and it's said to help him get a potential Oscar. Imagine being...

Check Out Our Top 10 Scenes From The Star Wars Saga

Given that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is going to be in theaters in a matter of weeks, I figured someone had to put...

Tom Cruise in Talks to Lead “The Mummy” Remake

Tom Cruise said to be working with Universal Pictures on a Mummy remake. Universal is currently working on a The Mummy reboot, and they are thinking about bringing in...

New Game of Thrones Poster is a Straight Up Tease

New Game of Thrones poster features a bloody Jon Snow (Kit Harington). In the season 5 finale of Game of Thrones, fans got one of...

This Week at the Trailer Park

We have a super-powered boy, some gods from Egypt, and some street magicians this week at the Trailer Park. Midnight Special Midnight Special follows Roy (Michael Shannon) ,...

Does Jessica Jones Make Our Top 10 Female Superheroes?

Netflix released all 13 episodes of Jessica Jones this week, and it got us thinking; who is the best superheroine of all time?  I'm looking...

‘Better Call Saul’ Season 2 Premieres February

Everyone's favorite con artist turned lawyer is back on TV early next year. Coming off the heels of one of the highest rated premiere seasons...

This Week at the Trailer Park

It is all sequels this week at the Park. The Divergent Series: Allegiant Serving as part 1 of the third installment in the Divergent franchise, Allegiant picks up after...

10 Reasons Heroes Reborn Makes Absolutely No Sense

So how does Tommy/Nathan Petrelli/Bennet/Nakamura/Clark's power work? First things first, I'm not here to sh*t on Heroes Reborn. I'm trying my hardest to go into each...

The Flash Recap: ‘Enter Zoom’

Everybody needs a montage! This week's The Flash starts off a little slow, but what better way to end a slow episode than have the...

Riot Reveals New League of Legends Champion: Illaoi

Riot announces its most recent champion to the League of Legends world, Illaoi. League of Legends has been getting a multitude of confirmed changes now that...

Finding Dory Finally Gets a Trailer

Disney Pixar has finally released a teaser trailer for the upcoming sequel, Finding Dory. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming....what...

J.J. Abrams Talks Star Wars 7 and 8 in a Recent Interview

JJ Abrams gave away some details on the upcoming Star Wars films in a recent interview with Star Wars: The Force Awakens is just...

Netflix to Release an Original Crime Documentary Series

Netflix has revealed that a new Netflix original series, Making a Murderer, is set for a December release. Binge watchers across the globe are in danger for...

Box Office Numbers Rise for the First Time in Weeks

Spectre and The Peanuts Movie bring the box office numbers back up for the weekend. After a few weeks of pretty lousy box office reports, this...