Star Wars: Battlefront’ is getting a sequel In 2017



This sequel will reportedly have “bigger and better worlds” than the last game.

[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]ince the early 2000’s, Star Wars: Battlefront has been one of the greatest shooter games in recent memory. Last year, EA came out with a reboot of Star Wars: Battlefront for current platforms. Even though it didn’t do as well as we thought it would, it was still nice to see the game come out.

That being said, EA confirmed on Tuesday that there will be another Battlefront game coming out next year. The following year, Viceral and Motive will develop another Star Wars game with a release deadline window in 2018. 

According to EA, the next Battlefront game will have “bigger and better worlds.” These maps will based off of the newer movies coming out, instead of the previous episodes, in the next game. That doesn’t mean we can’t dream big and think of planets like Coruscant right?!



As for the Star Wars action game set to release in 2018, Viceral is scheduled to work with Motive. EA is expecting at least one Star Wars game to be released every year “over the next 3-4 years.”

Yesterday, EA announced its financial results for 2015, which concluded with the company making $4.566 billion in net revenue. Star Wars: Battlefront contributed to that by making $14 million since it’s release last year on November 17th. EA also said that they will be working with their “partners at Respawn” on another Star Wars game. 

Unlike previous Battlefront games, EA’s version lacked the map versatility that we want to see in a Star Wars game. It’s encouraging to see that EA wants to make their next game better than the last one with bigger maps. If they really want Star Wars: Battlefront 2 to persuade others to buy it, they can’t rely on a season pass, just like Call of Duty games do, to make a lot of money. 

What do you think of EA making another Star Wars: Battlefront game? Let us know in the comments below!



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