Punisher Shows No Mercy in Latest ‘Daredevil’ Season 2 Netflix Trailer



There’s a new player in Hell’s Kitchen. 

[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]here’s nothing like a good, tough anti-hero, who’s hellbent on fighting crime to avenge their family, and Frank Castle – aka Punisher – is just that.

The hit Netflix original Marvel series Daredevil certainly won’t be slowing down in its second season, with the promise of several new characters from the comic book world, who will put some more challenges in Matt Murdoch’s path. 

Walking Dead’s Jon Bernthal fills Punisher’s shoes, and thanks to this brand new trailer, we finally get to see the character in full swing for the first time.

He certainly appears to be outfitted with all the trimmings of a gun-toting, military war veteran, who’s out to wage a war on crime after the death of his wife and children: 


That Elektra tease though! 

The atmospheric trailer showcases a character driven story-line that’s sure to add another delectably dark layer to the series; complimenting the stylistic tone of the show thus far. 

There’s a whole lot of guns and blood, and we see Punisher go head-to-head with Daredevil, while everyone tries to get to grips with the new faces in Hell’s Kitchen.

It certainly has all the makings for an action-packed return. Punisher is bound to shake things up, and Jon Berthal already looks to be the perfect choice for the role. 

Darevil is set to return for its second season on Netflix 18 March, 2016. 

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