[dropcap size=small]M[/dropcap]inecraft has been around just long enough for players to potentially be suffering from a term I like to call ‘Username Remorse’. This is when you create a username you believe to be the epitome of coolness, only to realize how completely dumb or over the top it actually is. I loved hearing people give email addresses for receipts at my old job: a respectable looking woman in her early twenties would come in and offer up an email like ‘[email protected]’ and do so with a decent amount of shame.
As explained on Monjang’s website, there is no fee associated with the much-requested name-change service. All you need to do is visit your Mojang account page and click the “change” link next to your name when it becomes available on February 4th.
Players who don’t want to change their names needn’t worry about another player stealing their title. Mojang says it will not allow duplicate names. However, if a player changes their name, the former title will become available for anyone to register 37 days later.
Mojang also reports you won’t be able to change your name every day, a 30-day waiting period is enforced between each change. In addition, the developer makes clear that banned players will stay banned, even if they change their names.