Maisie Williams Teases Jon Snows Fate in ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6



You know something, Maisie Willaims. Jon on the other hand…

[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]fter the recent Game of Thrones teaser trailer, and the announcement of the official release date (24th April, 2016), the rumours just aren’t quieting down.

Especially when it comes to one particular much-loved character in George R.R. Martin’s fantasy series. The one and only, Jon Snow.

He met a pretty bad end during the concluding episode of season 5, and it’s not surprising that people latched onto ‘he’s still alive’ theories.

The trailer puts Snow in the limelight, and has successfully stoked the flames of the Snow rumours all the more:

Maisie Williams has been one of the key culprits in sending the rumour mill into overdrive. Williams hit fans with the harsh reality that he wasn’t alive back in September by straight up saying that ‘the answer is no, he’s dead.’ Ouch.

During an interview at London Film Critics Circle Awards this past Sunday – where the actress was prompting her film The Falling, for which she scooped up the Young British Performer of the Year Award- Williams appeared to show some remorse for her straightforward declaration that crushed the hopes of Snow fans everywhere, and hinted at Snows fate. 

I feel so mean because I speak to people and they’re all like, ‘Jon Snow, is he back?’ And it’s like really heartbreaking because people are like, ‘yeah, but he’s coming back though?’…It’s a great twist but I can’t say he’s going to be alive.

After this, Williams makes an ‘I know all’ type of smirk.


At least she gave us confirmation that we’ll be seeing a ‘great twist,’ and that’s something everyone can enjoy. 

If Snow is in the season, but not technically alive, that could mean one of two things. But I won’t be the one to spoil it for you. Who’s the tease now? 


Season 6 of Game of Thrones is due to air April 24, 2016, and you can watch the full interview with Williams here.


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