[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]eonardo DiCaprio has withdrawn from Aaron Sorkin’s upcoming biopic of Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs, sources state.

“Now with DiCaprio out, the studio is eyeing a number of actors to take on the iconic tech figure, who has been both worshipped and reviled. Christian Bale (whom Fincher wanted for the title role) is on Sony’s wish list, as is Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, and Bradley Cooper (though Affleck seems unlikely, given that he just signed on for the thriller The Accountant).”
Danny Boyle, director of 8-time Oscar winner Slumdog Millionaire, is confirmed to direct the film. A release date has yet to be announced, but I can guarantee that whoever takes Leo’s place will, ironically, win an Oscar.
Leo will likely regret this.