Jay Garrick Sends A Warning In Season 2 Trailer Of ‘The Flash’



NEWS FLASH! Double Trouble bound for Central City!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]t’s been a while since the season finale of The Flash aired in the spring. In the season 2 teaser, Jay Garrick (The original Flash from the early 90s) tells the current Flash that ‘your world is in danger.’ With the arrival of season 2 comes new danger for Barry Allen and Company, including the Atom Smasher (played by Adam Copeland).

Season two will be introducing multiple universes and introducing Garrick (played by Teddy Spears) and Wally West (played by Keiynan Lonsdale) as two new speedsters in the show. The Flash will also be bringing back Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells (or better known as the Reverse Flash). What Cavanagh’s role is in the new season is unclear, but will be interesting to see how he fits into the story.

Meanwhile, Cisco Ramon will enter the season, learning from his conversation with Harrison Wells that he was affected by the particle accelerator, just like The Flash. Wells told Cisco he was affected because, despite Barry changing the future, Cisco still remembered Wells killing him in an alternate timeline. Wells described it as Cisco is able see through the vibrations of the universe.” This could mean that Cisco could have his role turned into the Vibe, who Cisco will eventually become. 

Check out the new trailer for season 2 of The Flash below!


Season 2 of The Flash is set to be aired on October 6th on the CW!

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