[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]nd for the low, low price of $164,000, it could all be yours! The behemoth collection is listed on auction site eBay and includes over 5,700 individual games and more than 50 gaming systems including custom shelving units for each different console and its corresponding titles. The seller known as reel.big.fish is sporting a 100% feedback rating with over 900 transactions completed.
The user’s Nintendo collection alone is astounding, as it boasts complete sets of every game for NES, Super NES, GameBoy, GameBoy Color, Nintendo 64, GameCube, and even Virtual Boy, including their systems. On top of that, every color variant of the revolutionary N64 console is included. Oh man.

The seller is also highlighting the inclusion of all of the main titles from the Mario and Zelda franchise releases from NES to Wii U, which total 24 and 25 games, respectively.
And don’t worry Sega fans, there’s plenty here for you as well. The auction features a complete set of games for Sega Master and Game Gear, plus nearly 500 titles for Genesis.

From retro consoles like Atari 2600 to more recent systems including PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS, the collection spans more than 35 years of gaming history. Check out the complete list of games and systems here. Just make sure you’ve got plenty of time to read through it all. War and Peace, eat your heart out.
The auction now has over 5,000 watchers, so plenty of people are interested in seeing if the collection actually sells. The seller is accepting best offers on the listing, but if you’re serious about buying the lot, I suggest launching a Kickstarter. Good luck!
You guys wanna pool together in on this? We can store it all at my place and you can play whenever you want.