[dropcap size=small]F[/dropcap]our special unlockable armors were revealed by 343 Industries for the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta. The awesome armors can be unlocked by earning achievements in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and will also be unlocked for the official Halo 5: Guardians release in 2015.
343 Industries stresses that what they revealed are “early high-res armor development.” The images shown are not representative of what will be the in-game modesl; so for how good they already look, they’re sure to look even better once they hit the battlefield. Take a look at the all armors below, including a video from IGN giving a 360-degree view.
![The classic Mark VI [Gen 1] armor is unlocked by earning the “Your Journey Begins” Achievement in the Master Chief Collection.](https://geekoutpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/MARK-VI-GEN-1.png)
The classic Mark VI [Gen 1] armor is unlocked by earning the “Your Journey Begins” achievement in the Master Chief Collection.
![MARK I [GEN VI]](https://geekoutpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/MARK-1-GEN-6-SCARRED.png)
The Mark VI [Gen 1] Scarred armor can be unlocked by achieving the Earn the “Cairo Stations” achievement in the Master Chief Collection

To unlock the Helioskrill armor, you’ll have to first get the “Legend” achievement in the Master Chief Collection.

The Nightfall armor is unlocked in two parts. For the helmet, watch the Halo: Nightfall Episode 1 Second Story. For the armor, watch all 5 episodes of Halo: Nightfall.