The film is shaping up to be the Battle Royale of epic monsters.
The film Godzilla: King of Monsters isn’t due to hit theaters until May 31st of next year, but that hasn’t stopped Legendary Entertainment from doing everything they can to build up the hype for the film. Rolling out a teaser trailer and a website that allows fans to track not only Gozilla, but other epic monsters, the media company has certainly doubled down on their marketing campaign compared to what they did when Godzilla was released in 2014.
Last night, the first teaser trailer for the film was released and coming in at just under a minute long, the trailer isn’t as gripping as one would think. The trailer features Madison (played by the incredibly talented Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things) trying to contact Monarch, an scientific organization dedicated to studying the “superspecies”. Unfortunately, Madison somehow stumbles across the sound of a deadly battle taking place at what is assumed to be a classified Monarch facility. Check it out below.
While the teaser trailer doesn’t give us much, the website that was launched known as Monarch Sciences, gives fans the chance to look at other possible “superspecies” which Godzilla may end up fighting in King of Monsters. There are several classified Monarch locations around the world and as you discover them your security clearance will become upgraded, allowing you to learn more about the mythical and terrifying monsters that we may see in this next exciting film.
Godzilla: King of Monsters hits theaters May 31, 2019.