
The best news in one place


Horror RPG ‘Call of Cthulhu’ E3 Trailer Revealed

With a promising teaser trailer, Call of Cthulu aims to be the best horror game shown at E3. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is...

Will the PlayStation 4K Be Revealed at E3?

No. But here's an article anyway.  UPDATE 6/10, 12:00 pm CST: Sony will NOT be showing the PS4K at E3. In an interview with The Financial Times...

Gjallarhorn is coming back to Destiny, Plus new DLC Expansion Revealed

Destiny's latest expansion delves deep into the lore of the Iron Lords, and sees the return of a fan favorite Rocket Launcher.   First, let's get this...

Horizon Zero Dawn Gets a New Trailer, and a New Date of Release

Horizon Zero Dawn gets delayed.   Herman Hulst, the Managing Director at Guerrilla Games recently posted on Hulst states that they've been working on polishing...

Blizzard Encourages Even More Fan Interaction with Facebook Collaboration

If you are not big on using Facebook, you may want to change your mind to enhance your Overwatch experience.  These days it seems as...

‘Kingdom Hearts 2.8’ E3 Trailer and Release Window Revealed

Probably no KH3 news at E3 though... Rejoice KH fans; the E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has arrived. Check it out below. 2.8 is...

‘Watch Dogs 2’ Officially Announced, gets a Reveal Trailer and Release Date

Ubisoft confirms Watch Dogs 2 and serves up some insight into their newest title.  Ahead of E3, the folks at Ubisoft dropped a cinematic reveal...

Skyrim Console Remaster, The Evil Within Sequel to be Announced at E3

This is FUS-RO-DAH-lightful news! Its that time of year again when E3 is about to begin and thus rumors begin to spread like wildfire across...

Banjo-Kazooie Spiritual Successor ‘Yooka-Laylee’ Gets an E3 Trailer

This is probably as close as we'll get to Banjo-Threeie.  Last year, a team of former Rare developers who worked on games like the Donkey...

Indie Game Review: Neon Chrome

Neon Chrome is a top-down, cyber-punk shooter developed by 10tons. The game stars "The Unknown Hacker" on her mission to save the futuristic city...

Minecraft to Get Highly Competitive PVP Mode

Get your diamond pickaxe ready. A new set of mini-games are coming to Minecraft for consoles with the first mini-game being a player versus player mode called...

Overwatch to get Competitive Mode in June, Campaign Mode a possibility

Overwatch is live, fun, chaotic, and about to get a whole lot more competitive.    While we are still enjoying yesterday's launch of Overwatch, with our...

Leaked Footage Shows ‘Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’ Was Planned for the PSP

It looks like we were very close to exploring Tamriel on the go. It's easy to forget today, but the PlayStation Portable was once a...

Details of Destiny’s Latest Expansion Leaked, “Rise of Iron”

It is rumored that Rise of Iron is set to replace Destiny 2's release date for this upcoming fall. Thanks to a picture of a leaked marketing material...

We Review DOOM (PS4)

An endless wave of demons are no match for your arsenal of bad*ssery. And your shotgun.    It's been roughly 13 years since we last had a...

This is Why Star Wars Battlefront Launched Without a Single Player Campaign

What is worse, EA's servers or their decision-making skills? You be the judge. Fans were reasonably upset when news surfaced that the highly anticipated Star Wars...

‘Uncharted’ and ‘The Last of Us’ Films May Not Happen for a While, or At All

Will Nathan Drake and Joel and Ellie ever make it to the big screen?  With news that the Uncharted movie has lost countless writers and...

We Review Uncharted 4 (PS4)

Nathan Drake is at it again, in what could possibly be the best entry the franchise has seen.    Like most Naughty Dog games, Uncharted 4:...

Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2 to be released this year

Bandai-Namco has announced a sequel to the popular Dragon Ball title!   The announcement trailer was made just this morning. Take a look for yourself below! . . Not...

‘Star Trek Online’ is Coming to Consoles, Here’s the Announcement Trailer

Star Trek Online explores the new frontier of console space!  Arc Games recently announced the MMO RPG Star Trek Online is no longer only available...