The best news in one place


DB XenoVerse DLC Pack 3 Release Date Announced!

After waiting for what seems like forever, fans of DBXV will finally get the chance to play as a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. In...

The Next Grand Theft Auto Online Update Brings New Vehicles and More to GTA Online

A new Grand Theft Auto V Update is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC next week. The sky...

You Can Now Return Games, Bundles, and DLC Thanks to the New Steam Refund Policy

Valve, the owner of Steam, has introduced a new refund policy for those of you who have bought a new game or DLC. However,...

Mighty No. 9: New Trailer, Pre-Order Bonus, Collector’s Edition and Retail Details

The dirty details about the game's release, featuring the Blue Bomber's successor, has been announced. The upcoming Mighty No. 9 seems to be picking up...

Take a Look at One of the Coolest Starbound Builds

Starbound can probably be described as Minecraft meets almost every arcade game made in the early 1990s. The game entered beta testing back in December of...

Mad Max Trailer Shows The Game Is As Brutal As The Movie

Who knew that dirt, decay, and destruction could look so beautiful in the new trailer for Mad Max the video game. A new trailer for the Mad...

This Street Fighter Mod Lets You Play as Goku and Frieza

Modder changes Street Fighter models to create one of the most iconic Dragon Ball Z battles ever. . Goku and Ryu are two of the most iconic fighters...

Rumors no More; Prepare for Fallout 4! (Official Trailer)

Watch the official in-game trailer for Fallout 4 – the next generation of open-world gaming from the award-winning creators of Fallout 3 and The...

The Newest DLC for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is Now Available

The next DLC installment for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, titled Supremacy, has four new maps and a new character for Exo Zombies. The last DLC for Call...

Check Out the New ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ Trailer!

A new trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider has been released by Square Enix. Back in 2013, Tomb Raider was released by Square Enix. The game sold one...

All Batman: Arkham Knight Pre-Order Bonuses

We sort through the enormous amount of potential bonuses to help you decide which to ultimately choose. With the release of Batman: Arkham Knight less then a...

‘World Of Warcraft’ Selfie Contest Has Started!

Prizes include an iPhone 6 and even a trip to BlizzCon 2015, “WoW!” With the ability to take selfies in the World of Warcraft introduced...

The Witcher 3 Developers Say “Thank You” With Real Note and DLCs

Free content in the form of DLC to thank those who purchased the latest title in the series; what could be sweeter? Witcher 3: Wild...

Take-Two Interactive is Calling Evolve a “Key Long-Term Franchise”

With 2.5 million copies shipped, Turtle Rock Studios' Evolve is doing very well. So well in fact, Turtle Rock has promises plenty of new content. The last game that...

New Live-Action Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer Features Everyday People

The new Batman: Arkham Knight trailer shows everyday people living life just like the Batman. The newest Arkham Knight trailer shows everyday people in situations where they have...

Dragon Ball Z meets Smash Bros in New Mod

Are Saiyans too over-powered for Nintendo's Super Smash Bros Brawl? Yes, the answer is yes they are.  Modders have a lot of free time on...

New Open World Survival Game is Jurassic Park Meets Far Cry

Ark: Survival Evolved is a new open world survival game that pits the player against a huge world filled with giant killer reptiles. The developer of Ark:...

Bethesda Released a Ten Second Trailer for Doom Ahead of E3

With Bethesda's E3 Showcase just under a month away (June 14th), the developer drops a very short in-game footage for DOOM. When you think about it, ten...

Get a Look at What Jason Voorhees Looks Like Unmasked in Mortal Kombat X

It's unusual to be able to see what Jason Voorhees' face looks like, but thanks to a mod for the PC version of Mortal Kombat...

The First Look at Orgrim Doomhammer

The  infamous Horde Warchief has finally been revealed. Warcraft fans rejoice! The first images of Orgrim Doomhammer from the upcoming Warcraft movie have been revealed. And boy does...