Evolve Tournament Boasts $15,000 Prize



[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]ony and Twitch TV have combined forces to put on an Evolve tournament just after it’s Feb 10th release that will simultaneously advertise the upcoming release of sci-fi film Chappie.

Players have the ability to sign up in an open bracket style preliminary that will qualify them for the final. Hunters be warned, you will be facing some of the top Evolve teams in North America. If you’re one of the top two teams to emerge from the open bracket, you’ll be looking at an all expense paid trip to Los Angeles. Once at the final, Chappie himself will be controlling the beast you fight against with your team.

As stated, the first place team of 4 will be taking a $15,000 paycheck home. The second place team will take home $1,250 each with a $5,000 prize. If you want to round up 3 of your compadres and enter the tournament, you can do so on the official website. Happy hunting!

 Team up and cash in.


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