‘DokeV’ is an Upcoming Open-World “Creature-Collecting Game” That Looks Beyond Incredible

Read it as "doh-keh-vee".



During Gamescom, there were a few titles that caught our attention, left us intrigued, and or got us excited but none more so than DokeV, a game that some are referring to as “a cross between Pokemon and Monster Hunter”. We would like to add that visually, it blew our minds. Take a look at the Gameplay Trailer that debuted earlier this week and see what we are talking about.

Meet Dokebi, whimsical creatures that live side-by-side with humans and encourage people’s dreams from which they gain strength. The gorgeous and colorful world of DokeV is brimming with activities, stories, and experiences, so get ready to befriend tons of Dokebi, embark on an adventure, and rock the world! Who knows, they may be dancing around you, even now..!

DokeV (pronounced like Doh-Keh-Vee) is a truly breathtaking visual work of art. We have never seen any game quite like this before. Sure, the people look a little like porcelain dolls (which we don’t exactly love) but the world itself is stunning and lively, the combat is jaw-droppingly unique, and the many ways to interact with the environment, especially how you choose to traverse it, have us more excited for this game than anything else shown at Gamescom 2021.

While the player has the ability to collect Dokebi to use in battle, there was a lot more shown that involved the actual player character fighting enemies as well. Using hammers, air whips, bubble guns, bows, and the many vehicles to travel the land, Dokebi looks to be a truly one-of-a-kind experience. If you watched the trailer you know what we are talking about.

Pearl Abyss | Dokev

Even though DokeV is clearly a work in progress, the gameplay trailer shows us a lot, including the different types of travel which appears to also add to the diverse combat system. Skateboard, rollerblade, hang glide, and more across the large world to get from one encounter to another to capture new monsters (which you actually fight with your character) or participate in activities that will add to the wild style of motion your character can get involved in, such as that crazy laser-whip that acts as some sort of aerial grappling hook. Like, did you see that thing? It just grabs onto the air and lets you swing in the middle of the sky. How cool is that?!

Pearl Abyss has yet to announce just what platform(s) that DokeV will release on but we truly hope it comes to PC (and not as an EGS exclusive), though it is a solid bet that PS5 and XBSX will be getting this title at least. Of course, that is subject to confirmation along with the release date/window, whenever that is.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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