Rejoice, Pokémon lovers! The fifth installment of the Generation III series (Fire Red and Leaf Green were also a part of Generation III) has been trademarked by Nintendo under the name of “Delta Emerald”. The question is, will Delta Emerald follow suit with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire? We’ll know more likely come this November.
Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire were originally released back in 2003 on March 19th for the GameBoy Advance, with their remakes for the Nintendo 3DS ‘Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire’ expected to release in November of 2014.
Pokémon Emerald was the fifth and final installment to the Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Emerald) core set of games. It was released for the GameBoy Advance back in May 1, 2005.