Zack Snyder’s Original Justice League Vision had a Romance Between Batman and Lois Lane

Snyder continues to demonstrate a complete misunderstanding and representation of DC characters.



Fans around the world keep holding out hope that Zack Snyder will be able to put together a Justice League movie to their liking. And while many are skeptical, myself included, news keeps coming out regarding Snyder’s various visions and ideas that many, thankfully, never made it to the final cut. Then again, the #SnyderCut is reportedly over four hours long, so there’s a good chance that a lot of garbage makes it through.

The latest news seems to show that Snyder, who has demonstrated a consistently obscure and ignorant vision of the characters he was placed in charge of, wanted to see Bruce Wayne and Lois Lane in a romantic relationship. Having spoken to Vanity Fair, Snyder had this to say:

“The intention was that Bruce fell in love with Lois and then realized that the only way to save the world was to bring Superman back to life. So he had this insane conflict, because Lois, of course, was still in love with Superman. We had this beautiful speech where [Bruce] said to Alfred: ‘I never had a life outside the cave. I never imagined a world for me beyond this. But this woman makes me think that if I can get this group of gods together, then my job is done. I can quit. I can stop.’ And of course, that doesn’t work out for him.”

“Alfred, I never had a life outside the cave. So I f***ed Superman’s girlfriend. Think he’ll mind? Nah, probably not. It’s not like he’s gonna turn into some crazed psychopath and try to kill us all after we revive him. That would be CRAZZZY.”

You can’t help but wonder why DC and WB trusted Snyder with such a massive franchise, especially when he has clearly screwed it up on many accounts over the years as writer, producer, and director. That said, Snyder himself recently stated that Warner Bros has no interest in working with him going forward, which surprises no one with half a brain.

“The reality is, as far as I know, there’s no interests and/or appetite to do more of these movies from Warner Bros. with me anyway.” -Zack Snyder

The fact is, you can hold your breath as long as you want, but no amount of uncut footage or reshoots is going to redeem Zack Snyder. With or without the support of HBO Max.

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Marc is the Editor in Chief for Geek Outpost. If you have an inside scoop you want to share, you can email him at [email protected]. He prefers Crocs for their style over their comfort.

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