New Wonder Woman Trailer: Why We’re Excited, Why We’re Nervous



Here’s what has us hyped, and not so hyped, for Diana’s solo film. 

With the release of the latest Wonder Woman trailer (below) we thought we’d share some reasons why we’re pumped, and why we’re hesitant about the latest entry in the DCEU.

Why We’re Excited: 

Gal Gadot. One of the highlights of Batman v Superman for us was Gadot’s (brief) performance as Diana. She was witty, charming, and had great chemistry with Affleck’s Bruce Wayne. While Batfleck probably won’t show up here, we’re confident Gadot will bring a strong performance, and hopefully work well off Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor. 

The story/setting. Perhaps the most exciting thing about Wonder Woman (currently) is that we know very little about it. Around this time last year, we knew nearly every minor plot detail of BvS, but right now, what exactly will happen in Wonder Woman, or who the villain is, remains a mystery. We love the intrigue surrounding the plot, and with screenplay written by comic veterans Allan Heiberg and Geoff Johns , we have faith there will be some cool reveals. Plus, riding the Battlefield 1 hype train, the WWI setting is exciting, and we’re exciting to see the intensity of the Great War on the big screen. 

Who are you? The Phantom of the Opera? ARE YOU THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA?!

Why We’re Nervous: 

We’ve been burned before. Yep, as optimistic as we’d like to be about Wonder Woman, we can’t help to think of DC’s track record. Man of Steel, BvS, and Suicide Squad all fall somewhere in the spectrum of “not very good” to “please make it stop,” so unless Wonder Woman‘s screenplay, director, and most importantly, Warner Bros. are all on the same page, we could be looking at another stinky DC misstep. 

End of trailer zinger. This is a minor gripe, but the “fisticuffs” joke at the end of trailer fell very flat. It reminded of me of the just as dull fish joke at the end of Justice League trailer. Humor has never been the DCEU’s strong suit, so we’re worried Wonder Woman will lack the levity or snappiness this universe so desperately needs. 

(Laugh Track)

Are we worried about Diana’s big solo film? Yes.

But are we excited? Do we want it to be an incredible, empowering, and memorable superhero film? Definitely yes. 

Wonder Woman flies into theaters on June 2, 2017. 

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