Uncharted Movie to Begin Shooting in Early 2015



Today, director Seth Gordon told Zap2It that the Uncharted movie is set to begin filming in early 2015. “That’s like tomorrow, essentially, because the prep is so complicated for the movie,” said Gordon.

Mark Wahlberg was originally set for the lead, but that fell apart when original director, David O. Russel, dropped out. Gordon said the search to play Nathan Drake is ongoing. “I want it to be a great actor. That’s number one, and then if it’s someone who has an actual jaw, that’s even better. The game is so well done that you need it to live up to that.”

Gordon also went on to say that the movie won’t necessarily follow the games’ storyline. “It’s going to honor the mythology of the game, but I would say honor some of the most interesting stuff from the first one and build from there. There’s some stuff that isn’t in the game.”

The next game in the series, Uncharted 4, is currently being developed for the Playstation 4. There is no release date at this time. 

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