Ubisoft Releases New Far Cry 4 Trailer: Longinus, Warlord of Kyrat



So who is supplying all of those weapons in Kyrat? Ubisoft just released a new Far Cry 4 trailer that gives players an answer to that very question. His name: Longinus the Evangelist.

Longinus is a once-warlord, now-born again believer in God who fled his own country after being saved by a priestess from his death throes. Once Longinus had the light of God revealed to him, he changed his havoc-wreaking ways for more heavenly duties.He did not however, turn from lion to lamb. After being baptized and starting his new life, Longinus found his way to Kyrat and is more than happy to supply those who are fighting the good fight with the tools to carry on.
In the new trailer, players get a look at a multitude of weapons and weapon classes. From SMGs, to heavy machine guns, to assault rifles, to the native Kukri knife, to the automatic crossbow, it looks like Longinus will have no shortage of weapons for our protagonist to play with.

One of the other tasty morsels shown is the ability to use bait to lure the wild animals of Kyrat into enemy camps to  maul unsuspecting baddies. 

Check out all the mayhem and let us know what you’re most excited about!

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