
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move.

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We Need to Bring Back the Rubber Suits for the Next Live-Action TMNT Flick

CGI just doesn't cut it. Those hulk-like Michael Bay adaptations are an abomination.

Remembering the Classics: Biker Mice From Mars

Relive the no-holds-barred adrenaline-fueled Martian mouse biker action from the 90s. Yeah, that was very much a thing back then.

Remembering the Classics: Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa

Gun-slinging cows enforcing the law while dealing out the swift hands of justice to bad guys? What is not to love?!


Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford begin Filming on Blade Runner Sequel this July

The sequel to one of Harrison Ford's best is finally coming together. The only real details we knew about Blade Runner 2 until today was that Harrison...

Check out the ‘Spectre’ Intro with Original Radiohead Bond Song

Sam Smith's theme song for Spectre was lacking, maybe Radiohead's is better? You decide. There were several problems fans had with the latest James Bond film, whether...

Doctor Who Showrunner Steven Moffat is Leaving the Show

The future of Doctor Who lies in Chris Chibnall's hands now. It appears that one of the greatest showrunners to have ever been in control of...

‘Finding Dory’ Gets a new Teaster Trailer

Disney's latest teaser trailer for Finding Dory gives us a release date! When Disney announced that a sequel was in the works for Finding Nemo, one...

Get a Good Look at Wonder Woman in new Footage

You could say the latest footage is absolutely wonderful. Just this past Tuesday we finally got a better look at Wonder Woman thanks to The...

Microsoft Will Not be Shutting Down Xbox 360 Servers This Year

Don't worry Xbox 360 users, you'll still have functioning servers this year. If you haven't noticed already, the seventh generation of gaming consoles is widely...

Rob Liefeld wants ‘Mad Men’ Star Jon Hamm as Cable in FOX’s X-Men

Could Jon Stamm be the perfect actor to play the role of Cable? There are some actors who are just meant to play the role...

‘Pokken Tournament’ Shows off New Fighters in Leaked Images

A new version of Mewtwo, called Shadow Mewtwo, was also leaked as well. Everyone give CoroCoro Comic, a manga magazine that subscribers receive monthly in...

TNT is No Longer doing a ‘Teen Titans’ Live Action Series

The chance for Teen Titans to become something more than an animated series is lost. Superhero stories have been all the hype on not only the...

Marvel’s ‘Black Panther’ gets ‘Creed’ Director Ryan Coogler

One of Marvel's most highly anticipated movie is finally coming together. After rigorous searching Marvel has finally settled on a director for the Black Panther. Ryan Coogler,...

‘Fury Road’ Director Does Not Want to do More Mad Max Films

Is this the end of Mad Max as we know it? It was supposed to be the best film of 2015, Rotten Tomatoes called it the...

Marvel’s ‘Infinity War’ Films to Feature Every Major Character in the MCU

Marvel's Infinity War is going to be bigger than anyone could have anticipated. Even with Captain America: Civil War set to be released this upcoming May exciting new details...

‘Pacific Rim 2’ May Have Been Just Been Scrapped

Universal Studios has delivered the killing blow to Pacific Rim 2. The last time Guillermo del Toro was talking about Pacific Rim 2 the director was promoting...

Supreme Leader Snoke is not Plagueis, says Andy Serkis

Maybe Supreme Leader Snoke is just....Supreme Leader Snoke? Ever since Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released back on December 18th of last year fans have been...

Han Solo is Getting a Standalone Film, Here are the Latest Details

Think you can wait until May 25, 2018, to see everyone's favorite space smuggler, Han Solo? SPOILERS FOR STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS When the former Ben...

Player keeps SNES on for 20 Years to Keep Save Data Alive

How far would you go to save your game? When it comes to saving games these days we have the luxury of a feature called...

Is Peter Capaldi Leaving ‘Doctor Who’?

The three-year rule may not just apply to David Tennant and Matt Smith, but Peter Capaldi as well. Everybody leaves is one of the prevailing...

Get Your First Look at Matt Damon in ‘Bourne 5’

The next Bourne movie will take place 12 years after Bourne Ultimatum. The veil of secrecy has partially lifted over the highly anticipated Bourne 5 movie...

Deadpool gets an Infomercial for his Latest Magazine Cover (Empire)

This infomercial by Deadpool will have you crying from laughter. Whoever is in charge of the marketing campaign for Deadpool deserves a medal. Everything from the teaser...

Daredevil Season 2 Images show off Punisher Taking on the Man Without Fear

The Punisher in season 2 of Marvel's Daredevil is a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy. The first season of Marvel's Daredevil ended in a way that...